Betalning av faktuera |
2009-10-30 08:56 |
Jag lade i förra veckan in en leverantörsfaktura i unibas. I går betalde jag den. Hur bokför jag att den är betald i unibas? Ska jag göra en ny verifikation?
Tacksam för svar!
Erik |
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Svar: Betalning av faktuera |
2009-10-30 10:28 |
Gå till Registrera/Betalning till leverantör.
Där finns en video som beskriver tillvägagångssättet. |
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Help me install WindowsXP |
2010-01-03 15:05 |
I got a new lap top for Christmas Dell Inspiron 8 mini and as you may know it doesn't have a CD drive, but I have an external CD drive to use. When I insert the Windows XP setup disk into the drive it doesn't start the setup it just show me the contents of the CD. I've tried to click on the setup icon with the file extension .exe and it won't start but jeust tell me that there is no application to run the program and i can't boot from the removable devices either. SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE. |
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Svar: Betalning av faktuera |
2010-01-04 02:41 |
If you have a new Dell Laptop, so it is probably safest to call Dell support and ask what is wrong. As far as I know, are all of Dell's computers ready for Windows.
Then I think you got the wrong forum. This forum only deals with issues relating Unibas accounting software. |
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